March 31, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Driving home with Leo saying hello to all the passerby. He loves to stick his head out the window and just cruise (as do most dogs!)  Sometimes, I wonder if his eyes ever hurt from all the wind rushing so fast past his face since his eyes are so big. Maybe he needs doggy-goggles? I apologize for the awful quality of this photo. I have a Samsung Alias that's a few years old and the camera quality is awful. Hopefully soon I can transition into the world of iphone users.

Finally getting my degree! After four years (ok, four and a half plus a summer semester) of college, getting the runaround from my university about the exit exam I never took (their fault, not mine) & thus not being able to receive my degree in December when I graduated, I went home to Memphis to find it had finally arrived in the mail! I'm officially official now. I received my bachelors of science in biology, and many student loans & tuition checks later, I have the (expensive) piece of paper to prove it! Now about that whole "getting a job in my field" part...

Photo shoots with B, vintage dresses, bunny ears and cupcakes! This will be a post in and of itself, so more on this later. I finally got around to editing the 100s of pictures we took. I definitely need that dress & ears to wear whenever I go see Hop. Plus, a marshmallow peep or two. Or three. get the point. Sneak peek, yes please:

Watching movies/TV with friends. Sunday evening, as per our usual routine, Charlie, Barry (formerly known as "the boyfriend") & I snarfed $5 hot 'n readies & watched Bob's Burgers, which if you haven't seen yet, you need to. Louise is most definitely my favorite character...but Moolissa is a close second.We also redboxed You Again and Morning Glory, both very good choices.

Other loves this week include + finding delicious & new recipes to try this weekend (helloooo bacon cinnamon rolls & cookie dough dip!) + running 2 miles after a long exercise hiatus-slash-being lazy + tackling the thick stack of Vogues, Elles & food network magazines on my nightstand + new clothes + job offers + cooking lamb & beef kebobs & rice pilaf with Barry + setting up my sewing machine to get back into sewing/crafting once more + looking forward to the weekend!

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