April 26, 2011

Daily Inspiration

I've been MIA for a few weeks, but not for lack of wanting to blog! My laptop has officially been pronounced dead, and I have been relegated to using other people's laptops and/or cell phones to check email, facebook and blogs. It's really strange to go from using the internet daily (and several hours, at that) to only checking in with the online world a few times a week. Yet at the same time, my productivity has increased. I've finished 2 books, The Lo Down, Sugarbabe, and currently am in the middle of Water for Elephants. I have more time to spend writing (the old fashioned way), reading, playing with Leo, cooking or any other number of activities besides being lazy with a computer in my lap. In a way, it's kind of refreshing. Now, if I could only squeeze daily rigorous exercise back into the mix.

As for this week, here is your daily dose of eye candy goodness!

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